Friday, August 31, 2012


Readers! I know I've been lacking in posts. I promise to try harder! Some of my distraction is actually pretty great news though--I have decided to create an Etsy store, with the same name as this blog: World of YourCrafts. Exciting, I know! Almost everything I show you how to do on here will be for sell on there. Including the quilled "M"  and the ambigram mat that everyone loved! Not to worry though, I still very much plan on teaching and making tutorials for most of my crafts. I am too big of a believer in DIY not to! I hope that you will all support me in this new venture. I've always loved creating things for people, and I'm really hoping that Etsy will allow me to do just that!

Monday, June 4, 2012


This is our baby chinchilla, Mo. He's keeping his favorite treat close!

Hey, y'all! Take a peek at our little one snuggling with his apple treat. Super cute!
I know it's been a while since I've gotten to post--I've been CRAZY busy. Moving out, moving in, packing, wedding cake, painting, packing, shopping, more painting, working, painting...and now it's finally time to move into the new apartment!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Eagle Lamp Refinish

Hey all! My schedule is finally starting to clear out some, and I can sit down and write some posts! Please excuse the kitchen in the background :)
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